Since you seem to be a student, I'll assume that you have a limited budget.
If that is the case, then you can pick up a sim for $1 per month from a cellular service. For a limited time they are offering a free trial, so you can try it out to see if it's for you.
If you want to be a little more technical about it, or if you are a student you may be eligible for some kind of subsidized cellular service, which is often subsidized by your school. Check with your school IT department to see what they can do for you.
(like not having a home in the first place) is something that the Richter numbers do not always pick up.
Re: Florida Thread
Originally Posted by SFS07
Was talking to someone earlier in the week and they were saying how the cause of that dino park in east FL was the site was owned by the FD. They had to get their land permit to be able to build there and then the place was surrounded by a gated community so they had to come in on back roads.
What does this have to do with the Volusia county site?
My thought was it wasn't set up to look like a park. Looked more like a nuclear power plant being built.
Re: Florida Thread
Originally Posted by SFS07
Was talking to someone earlier in the week and they were saying how the cause of that dino park in east FL was the site was owned by the FD. They had to get their land permit to be able to build there and then the place was surrounded by a gated community so they had to come in on back roads.
What does this have to do with the Volusia county site?
My thought was it wasn't set up to look like a park. Looked more like a nuclear power plant being built.
Well the area was owned by the federal government but FD wasn't directly involved in building it. So technically it was a federal project. The FD wasn't the contractor but the project was of their doing.
As far as the area being surrounded by a gated community that was only for the immediate area. There were public roads and access right to the site. There are people living there now.
Re: Florida Thread
Originally Posted by jackson924
Well the area was owned by the federal government but 01e38acffe
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The iGO-FORCE helps you get more out of iGO. The software is customizable and provides a graphical interface for recording and playback of loops with many pre-set patterns. You can use the software to start new loops, edit current loops, and record loop changes. You can also use iGO-FORCE to edit and trim existing loops, as well as to edit previous or new recordings.
For loop speed and length controls: Start, Stop, or Continue a loop with the iGO-FORCE loop control. Edit the loop length to your needs using the loop length slider. By pressing the loop button, you can start, stop, or continue the loop. You can also use the loop button to turn on or off a "skip" button and use it to skip the portion of a loop you don't want to hear.
A snare preset plays the "snap" sound when you start the loop and it changes to the drum you've chosen when you stop the loop. You can also choose from presets with different pitch and octave controls. The "force" button switches between drum and "snare" presets. You can customize and save your own drum and snare presets.
The iGO-FORCE sequencer is like a mini-keyboard that you can use to record, play, edit, and mute your loops. You can record, play, and edit up to 99 loop patterns at once.
You can edit the current loop with the Edit button, which is above the loop. You can select the loop button to start, stop, or continue the loop, or you can press the loop button to change the loop speed.
This screenshot shows a drum loop, with one of the drum presets already
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